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WCTE Explores People, Places & Stories from Native American History

Featured programming includes Ken Burns’s THE AMERICAN BUFFALO, the acclaimed series NATIVE AMERICA and LITTLE BIRD, LITTLE BIRD: WANNA ICIPUS KUPI (COMING HOME) and NEXT AT THE KENNEDY CENTER “Embracing Duality: Modern Indigenous Cultures." In addition, a rich line-up of PBS Digital and PBS Passport titles will be available, such as Julianna Brannum’s HOMECOMING, A PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF NATIVE AMERICA, and AMERICAN MASTERS and INDEPENDENT LENS episodes highlighting Indigenous artists and activists.

Little BirdLittle Bird: Wanna Icipus Kupi (Coming Home)
Expires: 2023-10-27
Rating: TV-14

Go behind the scenes of Little Bird and the movement for Indigenous narrative sovereignty.

Next at the Kennedy CenterEmbracing Duality: Modern Indigenous Culture
Expires: 2023-11-18
Rating: TV-PG

Artists with indigenous heritage intertwine tradition with contemporary music and dance.

American MastersBuffy Sainte-Marie: Carry It On
Expires: 2023-12-03
Rating: TV-14

See the story of the Indigenous singer-songwriter, social activist, educator and artist.

Ken Burns' The American Buffalo - Streaming Now

The American BuffaloInto the Storm
Expires: 2023-12-01
Rating: TV-14

An unlikely collection of Americans rescues the national mammal from extinction.

The American BuffaloBlood Memory
Expires: 2023-12-01
Rating: TV-14

America’s national mammal, once numbering millions, is driven to near extinction.

Other Programs that Celebrate & Explore Native Stories

PBS Kids Programs that Celebrate Native American and Alaskan Native Cultures - Streaming Free on PBS KIDS


Streaming free on PBS KIDS

MOLLY OF DENALI is an award-winning animated series that follows the adventures of 10-year-old Molly Mabray, a curious and resourceful Alaska Native girl who lives in the fictional village of Qyah, Alaska. MOLLY OF DENALI is the first nationally distributed children’s program to feature Native American and Alaska Native lead characters. The ground-breaking series, produced by GBH, incorporates Alaska Native voices in all aspects of the production, both on-screen and behind the scenes.


Streaming free on PBS KIDS

Inspired by MOLLY OF DENALI, the “Awesome Alaskan Kids” short series shows real kids from across Alaska filming their own vlogs! Each kid shares a unique perspective, culture, and adventure as Alaskans and Alaska Natives.