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PBS American Portrait

WCTE and PBS American Portrait invites America to participate in a national conversation about what it really means to be an American today. To answer this question, PBS and its partners are collecting photos, videos and text submissions from across America to capture the state and spirit of our nation.

Watch WCTE's American Portrait Series!

Our country is home to millions of people. Each one of us is unique, and we’re all part of the American story. PBS American Portrait is an ongoing, evolving initiative that asks you, and people all over the country, to submit your individual stories by responding to one of a number of thought provoking prompts.

It's a chance to be heard and be seen. To give a glimpse into your own life, and get a peek into the worlds and perspectives of others. We all have a part to play in this collective project, exploring what it means to be American today.

The PBS American Portrait video project is open to anyone and everyone who would like to submit, requiring only a one-minute video look into your life, guided by prompts such as "I was raised to believe... " and "What gets me out of bed in the morning is... " Now is the time to tell your story and see your face on the big screen! Submitting your American Portrait video is so easy – check out this “How-To” video for a quick tutorial, then grab your cell phone, hit record, and boom! You’re instantly a star, with a chance to see your face and your story illuminated in a big way during the festival.